Friday, April 24, 2009

Newt Versus Al

House hearings on global warming conclude today. Steve Benen reports the Democrats are bringing in the Goreacle, and that the Republicans are bringing in...Newt.
A few quick points. First, for GOP officials to keep relying on Newt Gingrich to be a party leader is a dream come true for Democrats. Second, on a related note, that Republicans can't think of anyone better than Gingrich to be a high-profile voice on energy issues points to just how serious the party's mess really is.

And third, there's the inconvenient fact that when it comes to energy and environmental policy, Newt Gingrich doesn't have the foggiest idea what he's talking about.

Should be an interesting day on the Hill.

Could be worse for the GOP. They could have brought in the nation's formost expert on wind energy and natural gas, Rush Limbaugh.

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