Friday, July 17, 2009

Calling Out Your Racist Uncle

Via Big Orange TV, the combination of President Obama's speech at the NAACP's 100th anniversary convention and the Sotomayor confirmation hearings turning into all but a done deal was just too much for Pat Buchanan to keep his more...base check last night on the Rachel Maddow Show:

Rachel discusses the two events and brings in Pat and his truly bizarre anti-Sotomayor column in Human Events from earlier this week at about the 5 minute mark. His attacks on Sotomayor's intelligence and his opinion of her being nothing more than a product of affirmative action ("Affirmative Action is a way to increase diversity by discriminating against white males" Buchanan says at one point) get odious enough that even Rachel gets fed up with his bullshit and utterly calls him out on it about halfway in. Heaping mounds of uncomfortable arguments ensue for another seven minutes or so.

By the time we get to the end of the segment, Rachel is trying with Jedi Master-like patience to calm Pat down before he talks himself out of a TV pundit career for good.

She's a better human being than I am, that's for damn sure. The irony is that while Buchanan's Human Event column opens with this prescient warning:
Should GOP senators treat Sonia Sotomayor as contemptuously as Democrats treated Robert Bork, Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito, they should expect Hispanic hostility for a generation.
...Buchanan himself shows nothing but complete and utter contempt for the woman on national TV.

As BooMan opined on Wednesday:
Isn't it time we all get really serious about convincing MSNBC that Pat Buchanan is unacceptably racist?
I don't think that's going to be much of a problem anymore, frankly.

[UPDATE 8:47 AM] Speaking of BooMan, he has a hell of a piece up this morning on affirmative action, Sonia Sotomayor, and growing up in Princeton. Read it.

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