Friday, July 17, 2009

Redistribution Of The Truth

CNBC's Mark Koba lets us know what those Dirty F'ckin Hippies are up to this week.
Democrats in the House have rolled out an ambitious $1 trillion plan to fund healthcare reform that forces businesses and wealthier Americans to pick up the costs with higher taxes.

But while the House bill proposes revenues for healthcare, some analysts say the real goal could be to re-distribute income for an ailing economy.

"The tax increase will put the tax code to pre-Reagan days," says Chris Dolan, a professor of political science at Lebanon Valley College in Pennsylvania.

"On the whole, what the bill is trying to do is move the tax code back some 33 years when it was higher," says Dolan. "It's tax increases under the guise of healthcare reform to help the economy."

Umm, hate to tell you this fellas, but...

...hasn't the income already been redistributed since the Reagan years to the tune of the wealthiest 1% of Americans now taking more than twice the share of the total wealth of the country since 1980? One would think the other 99% of us would be, you know, pissed off.

Just sayin'.

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