Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The GOP Plan's Waterloo Moment

As I said Saturday, Jim DeMint blew it big time when he admitted the GOP Plan was to "break" President Obama.
"If we're able to stop Obama on this, it will be his Waterloo," Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) said yesterday during a conference call with conservative activists. "It will break him."
That turned into a golden opportunity on Monday for the President to go on the counterattack:
“Think about that. This isn’t about me. This isn’t about politics. This is about a health care system that is breaking American families, breaking America’s businesses and breaking America’s economy. We can’t afford the politics of delay and defeat."
That the GOP Plan just got broadcast this weekend to all of America is a serious problem for the Republicans, and yesterday the GOP leadership went into full damage control mode.
The conservative video site PJTV will be hosting an online health care forum just before President Obama's press conference tomorrow with Republican leaders, as conservatives work to demonstrate that they have their own health care solutions.

The forum, with Rep. Eric Cantor and other GOP legislators, is a sign of the growing effort on the right to build an online infrastructure to counter a powerful liberal web presence. But it's also an effort, Cantor said in a brief interview today, to push back on the White House's effort to cast Republicans as reflexive partisans who want only to derail the president.

I'd like to remind Ben Smith politely that it's not the White House making out the GOP as being "reflexive partisans", it's Jim DeMint admitting the GOP is trying to break Obama.
Asked about Jim DeMint's remark that health care could be Obama's "Waterloo," Cantor said:

"I don’t think that’s a good way to look at it. We are certainly at a crossroads for health care reform, but the reason that we are is that there’s a real sense of hesitancy by the American people to buy into what’s been proferred by the White House and Speaker Pelosi."

Yes, because the plan is to break Speaker Pelosi too. Sorry guys, the cat is out of the bag. The GOP Plan has nothing to do with solving America's health care problems or economic issues or dealing with Afghanistan or Russia or China or the rest of the world, the GOP Plan is to break Obama. That's all that matters to you guys. Case in point, Jim DeMint this morning:
In an appearance on NBC's "Today" show Wednesday, DeMint said it was time to "put the brakes on" Mr. Obama's plans, which he said would result in too much government sending and soaring deficits.

"It's not personal. We've got to stop his politics," he said.

DeMint acknowledged the need for reform but said it would be a mistake to rush legislation through Congress by the President's August deadline.
It's still all about stopping the President, not helping the American people.

After all, as DeMint said, breaking Obama is "nothing personal". Just business. And the business of the GOP is fueling as much Obama Derangement Syndrome as they can. It's somebody's Waterloo moment, alright. Just not Obama's.

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