Wednesday, July 22, 2009

While You're Waiting For The Main Event

Couple of things while you're waiting on the Obama presser (or not):

Ohio Republican Sen. George Voinovich isn't quite up to the full 100% "the GOP Plan is to break Obama" Jim DeMint stage, but he's willing to go halfway on it.
George Voinovich (R-OH) said on CNBC Wednesday that a desire to prevent the Democratic president from scoring a historical victory with a public health plan accounts for at least 50 percent of the GOP opposition to the plan.

Squawk Box host Carl Quintanilla asked the senator: "How much of this disagreement with the administration is about the policy of health care and how to fix it, and how much of it is Republicans' ... desire to declaw the president politically?"

To which Voinovich responded: "I think it's probably 50-50."

I want to know with Jim DeMint around who are the Republicans bringing the Obama Derangement Syndrome average down for the party?

Also, DougJ at Balloon Juice has your Obama Presser Drinking Game on tap.

I'll be blogging the presser if only to see what the most ridiculous question of the night will be, and if Obama calls on another blogger for a question, causing the entire rest of the White House Steno Pool to walk out.

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