Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Last Call

With the Dow closing up at its best level in six months and the S&P 500 at its best level in 8 months, it's interesting how Obama is magically no longer being attacked for tanking the markets. In fact, the usual suspects assured us that the January 20 to March 8 descent was "Wall Street's verdict on Obama's policies."

Dow's gone up since then. Obama's policies are still destroying untold wealth, only...umm...making it go up.

Now personally, I believe the stock market has next to nothing to do with Obama's policies and everything to do with people buying because they thought March was the bottom of the market and the recession. I don't believe that's the case, and I think we're going to get hurt again.

But you notice how even with a near 30% gain in the markets since March, Obama's policies mysteriously have nothing to do with Wall Street's success, according to the folks who say that Presidents make markets, only its failure. Granted, every President takes hits like that, but you know...Presidents don't control the market any more than anyone else does. They can certainly contribute, but we're still dealing with Bush's "contribution" not Obama's.
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