Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Winning Hand Or A Busted Flush?

With states looking for additional revenue from, well, anywhere these days, it's no surprise to see a major lobbying push for legalizing more gambling, in this case internet poker.

They're seeking regulation of Internet gaming, a change they say would reduce compulsive and underage gambling, according to John A. Pappas, the executive director of the Poker Players Alliance, whose slogan is "Poker is Not a Crime."

Members of his organization plan to meet with 100 members of Congress from 35 states this week and were to host a charity poker tournament Tuesday night benefiting the USO and the Walter Reed Army Medical Center. They've enlisted the help of famous poker players such as Annie Duke, Andy Bloch and Howard Lederer.

Among those pushing legislation is Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., the chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, who sees the measure as consumer protection and a potential source of revenue, since winnings could be taxed.

Pappas kicked off the lobbying effort Monday by hosting a panel to promote the benefits of lifting the gambling ban. Many American poker players have been getting around the ban since it was instituted in 2006 by using sites based in the Caribbean or the United Kingdom. The sites make up more than a third of all online poker players.

However, Rep. Spencer Bachus of Alabama, the top Republican on the House committee, condemned the gambling legislation in the works. Bachus helped write the 2006 bill, which made it illegal for banks or credit card companies to process money earned through online gambling, although it doesn't specifically define online gambling.

Bachus, in a statement, said he'd continue to support efforts to discourage online gambling.

"Illegal off-shore Internet gambling sites are a criminal enterprise, and allowing them to operate unfettered in the United States would present a clear danger to our youth, who are subject to becoming addicted to gambling at an early age," he said. "In fact, studies have shown that earlier one begins gambling, the more likely it is he or she will become a compulsive problem gambler."

When times get tough it seems, the tough turn to gambling revenues.

Internet poker for real money seems terribly easy to spoof, fool, hack or mess with, unless you have serious security, which would cost money. Look at the number of folks abusing glitches and exploits in any MMO or other online games whenever there's a software update. Are the internet gambling companies ready to lay out real cash to people should a glitch screw up a million dollar poker hand? Can't wait for the lawsuits over that.

Gambling in person is one thing. Gambling online? Seems like a busted flush to me.

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