There are death panels being held everyday in hospital corridors and living rooms across America. It's how we currently ration health care: by who can pay. Unfortunately, because we spend so much health care money on profits for the health care industry, costs are still skyrocketing so that we are going to have to "ration" even more.The Devil's greatest trick was not convincing mankind that he didn't exist, it was convincing middle-class America that a trillion-dollar industry built from the ground up on denying people health care are the good guys.
But since Good People, Real Americans, have health insurance, only bad people have to worry about this, which is how it should be. The problem is that if the government takes over they're going ration by taking away the Good People's health care and giving it to welfare queens and illegal immigrants who don't deserve it.
Once again, they're not just protesting against their own self-interest, they are literally protesting against their own self-preservation. How's that for a "death panel"? Thousands of Americans die each year because they can't afford heath care. These people want to keep in that way.
That's your damn death panel right there. They are deciding to keep up the killing. They have decided the poor need to die, and they're okay with that.