Thursday, December 17, 2009

So Now What, Zandar?

As Yellow Dog reminds me, I've been saying for months now that if there was no public option, the Dems would get screwed in 2010.  I said it then.  I say it again now.  Now, the public option is dead.  The results will be rather obvious.
Republican House Minority Leader John Boehner took aim at Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's remark Wednesday that she was "always in campaign mode" and would sell voters next year on Democratic achievements.

"I hope she does a great job of marketing all the garbage they passed this past year," he said at a year-end press conference, vowing "we're going to continue to be the party of better solutions."

Recent public opinion polls show Republicans -- who were thrashed in the 2006 and 2008 elections -- narrowing the gap with Democrats to a virtual dead heat in a generic ballot ahead of next year's contest.
The US president's party typically loses seats in mid-term elections, and surveys have also found deep worries about the direction the country is headed and about the bleak economic picture, including historically high joblessness.

"Right now we've got double-digit unemployment, we're got red ink as far as the eye can see, permanent bailouts, and no long-term plan to put any of this back in shape," said Boehner.
Orange Julius there doesn't have a plan either.  But you know what? He still figures he'll be Speaker of the House come January 2011.

I figure there's an even chance he will be.  You thought it was hard for Obama and the Democrats to pass legislation nowWait until after midterms.
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