More than four in 10, 41%, of respondents said they had a very or somewhat favorable view of the Tea Party movement, while 24% said they had a somewhat or very negative view of the group. The Tea Party movement gained notoriety over the summer following a series of protests in Washington, D.C. and other cities over government spending and other U.S. economic policies.The Left is giving up on Obama. The Right is giving up on the GOP and joining the Teabaggers. Our country's headed for a complete disaster ahead. Nearly twice as many people are mad at the GOP and the Dems than they are the Teabaggers.
Meanwhile, the Democratic Party, which controls both the White House and Congress, has a 35% positive rating compared with a 45% negative rating.
The Republican Party identifies closest to the Tea Party movement’s ideology, but the group has also caused splits within the GOP. Republicans currently hold a 28% favorability rating compared with a 43% negative one.
It's come down to this. Pass the bill. A good bill. Or we're less than three years out from a Palin/Huckabee ticket running House Speaker Eric Cantor and Senate Majority Leader Tom Coburn.
The line must be drawn.
Pass the bill. Improve it. Fast.
[UPDATE 12:15 PM]
Howard Dean wants to kill the bill. Mary Landrieu wants to save it. There be dragons here in this part of the political map, folks. At this point, I don't know. Nate Silver tweeted that getting this passed was now a coin flip. That sounds right to me.