Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Attention Republican Incumbents Running In 2010

You're in just as much trouble as the Dems are...even more so with your party ID problem.
Only a third of U.S. voters think that most members of Congress deserve to be re-elected this year, according to a new national poll. That's the lowest number ever recorded for that question in a CNN survey.

The CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll, released Tuesday, indicates that only 34 percent feel that current federal lawmakers deserve re-election, with 63 percent saying no.

According to the survey, 51 percent feel their member of Congress should be re-elected - also an all-time low in CNN polling - while 44 percent say their representative doesn't deserve to be returned to office in November.

The numbers on both questions are even lower than in 1994, when an anti-incumbent fever helped Republicans win back control of both the House and the Senate from Democrats. The trend line on those questions goes back to 1991, when they were first asked.

"This is not a good year to be an incumbent, regardless of which party you belong to," said CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. "Voters seem equally angry at both Republicans and Democrats this year." 
Check that number again...your average incumbent is polling at 51% right now.

All you House Republicans that spent the last year voting no on everything?  What makes you think you're going to get to keep your job?  There are in some cases 3 or 4 primary challengers for incumbent Republicans in the House attacking from the political right.  I think the Dems are going to do much better than expected in November.
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