Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Last Call

Why is Evan Bayh pandering so hard to the Teabaggers and against the Dems when A) he still has 9 months to go in office as the son of Indiana's most famous politician (making him the definition of insider and incumbent) and B) the Bayhs are die-hard Dems and have been for decades?

He absolutely denies running for another public office.  But he's clearly campaigning for one, and he's doing so as anything but a Democrat.  He's certainly not going to able to be a lobbyist after his tirade on MSNBC today denouncing special interests.  The second he does that, the Teabaggers will destroy him.

On the other hand, the Teabaggers already hate him and are salivating at replacing him with Dan Coates.  I don't see the win here.  The people of Indiana aren't going to reward him for this.  Nationally the Republicans will never trust him and he's burned his bridges with the Dems.

What play does he have quitting now, in this manner, other than throwing a hissy fit?
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