Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hoosier Candidate Now?

Well now.  Seems Tamyra d'Ippolito now says she has enough signatures to run for Evan Bayh's seat.
That until-now little known, minor candidate in the Indiana Democratic senate primary, Tamyra d'Ippolito, just told our Eric Kleefeld that she now has the requisite number of signatures to get on the primary ballot.
Bear in mind, the deadline for filing the signatures is today. So if d'Ippolito has the signatures and as long as too many of them aren't thrown out (a real question), that would leave her as the only name on the ballot in the Democratic primary, effectively making her the Democratic nominee. Holding this seat this year is going to be a serious challenge regardless of who they field. But observers don't seem to think d'Ippolito would have a shot even in the best of years.
Another remaining question is what role if any Republicans may have played helping her get those signatures lined up on 18 hours notice
That last one there is very interesting.  The Republicans seem to think Tamyra has no chance of beating Dan Coates and want her to run.  Naturally the Republicans and their Winger noise machine buddies are screaming that rule of law says Tamyra has to be the candidate.  And not even Josh is giving her much of a chance.

I see an opportunity here, folks.  A big one.

I wouldn't write off Tamyra just yet.  On the other hand, the basic observation around is that she's a bit of an oddball.  And that's putting it nicely.

Question is, is she better than Dan Coates?

[UPDATE 11:10 AM] Never mind...it seems that Tamyra d'Ippolito is retracting her statement on having the signatures and is grumbling about the "Indiana machine" telling her to step down...and she's blaming Rachel Maddow.

This is starting to get really, really weird.  On second thought, she may not be better than Dan Coates.
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