Thursday, February 4, 2010

Clued In
Above: Chuck Todd's crew searches for clues.

Over at NBC's First Read this morning, the Scooby Gang has discovered the Useful Idiot factor of "Some on the Left say...", in this case the notion of Rahmbo getting canned.
*** The other R-word -- Rahm: Just askin’, but have we all missed the REAL story in the controversy over the R-word that White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel uttered and for which he apologized? It’s that someone has it out for Rahm. Given that someone leaked a six-month-old anecdote to the Wall Street Journal (which contained that R-word), there is clearly an effort to embarrass the chief of staff, hoping it leads either to a trimming of his sails or forces him out of his position. And do note that the criticism he has received comes from the group of folks Rahm was disparaging in that anecdote: the left.
Hey guys?  Welcome to 2009.

Still, this certainly means "Even the Left wants Rahm fired" and equating him to Karl Rove will now become the latest attack on Obama by the Village.  Rahm's an ineffective jackass, sure...but that's a reason to fire, say, most of Congress, the Village, the Supreme Court and everyone in the Beltway, not just Rahm.

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