Monday, June 7, 2010

Couldn't Have Happened To A More Deserving Guy

I missed this story on Friday, but I'm glad I found it today.  Seems our old friend Gonzo is in a spot of financial trouble in addition to his ongoing legal problems.
Former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales told Main Justice in an interview yesterday that he's looking for donations to cover his extensive legal bills -- and that he still hasn't found a book publisher.

"We need to do a better effort raising additional money, and so we're going to try to do that as soon as the last investigation [ends]," the ex-attorney general said. "That investigation has been out there going on forever. I'm not sure what's going on there, but we're waiting for that to be completed."

Once it's over, Gonzales said, "that will again raise some interest in raising additional money."
As for the book....

Gonzales -- under whose tenure the Justice Department often appeared to take its orders from the White House political office -- says he's finished about 12 chapters of what he thinks will be a 20-chapter book. He hasn't found a publisher yet. (He also didn't have a publisher when we checked in in December...of 2008).

"Given all the decisions that I was a part of, the decisions I witnessed, and the decisions I made, I think it will be something that will be of interest and I hope it will be a useful contribution to the historic record of the Bush legacy," Gonzales told Main Justice.
Oh I'm sure America is just fascinated in what Gonzo here has to say in his book. So much so that...pretty much nobody wants to publish his book (not even the winger press, apparently.)  He's been shopping his book now for 18 months plus and still nobody wants to touch the guy's story.  In a world where Newtie and Moose Lady get book advances, seems nobody's willing to take a chance on Gonzo's story here.

Given what he helped do to our country as AG, that's just a crying shame, isn't it?
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