Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Last Call

Steve M. explores the dark, distopian future of the Paulbot versus Ryanbot wars.

On the other hand, these two wings of the far right could be our two-party system in the near future. I say this because, while I'm heartened to learn that the pro-Obama super PAC Priorities USA is actually increasing its focus on Bain Capital (despite whining from across the political spectrum about the supposed inappropriateness of attacking Bain), I see the future of the Democratic Party in the mewling of folks like Cory Booker, Ed Rendell, Harold Ford and others -- in the future, Democrats won't even utter empty platitudes about the people vs. the powerful.

In that case, why will there even need to be a Democratic Party? The only ideological fight in America will be in the GOP, between plutocratic isolationists and plutocratic neocons. Or the latter will simply win and we'll be a one-party state, as disillusioned Paulites go off to write sci-fi novels. 

Steve has more than a mild point.  We forget that while the Republicans are god-awful Randian nutbars who basically want to Soylent Green all the old people and minorities, the corporate wing of the Democratic Party has been running the show for a good 20+ years now.  President Obama can sign all the legislation he wants that "reins in the excesses of Wall Street" but that legislation has to be approved by votes by guys like Ben Nelson and Joe Lieberman.

We need better Dems in Congress.  You can help.

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