Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Prosecutors said Monday that a man admitted to shooting and killing his wife after an argument about buying a new car.
Police responded to the shooting, located along the 300 block of Albion Way, on Sunday to find Teresa Edwards in her bed with multiple gunshot wounds to the head, 10TV’s Ashleigh Barry reported.
Prosecutors said that Teresa Edwards’ husband, Tom Edwards, later admitted to shooting his wife to death.
I'm not going to launch into the obvious.  We know this guy could not possibly be screwed down tight.  What is horrifying is that what drove him over the edge was her refusal to get out of bed and go shop for a car.  I cannot think of anything scarier than telling my husband no, I'd rather sleep in (we have this chat a lot, actually) and my next realization is that he's pointing a gun at my head.

But no, people aren't more stressed or lashing out as they circle the drain.  Nope.  Carry on, citizens.

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