Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Bad Bosses Suck... Now With Scientific Proof

Psychologist Robert Hogan, an expert on personality assessments, has seen them all.
"Every employed adult reports some significant time working for an 'intolerable boss' and those (employees) that try to defend themselves are gone," Hogan, ofAmelia Island, Fla., told a session this weekend at theAmerican Psychological Association annual conference. The meeting, which drew more than 10,900 psychology professionals, wrapped up Sunday.
"Seventy-five percent of working adults say the worst aspect of their job — the most stressful aspect of their job — is their immediate boss," Hogan says. "Bad managers create enormous health costs and are a major source of misery for many people."
Companies that take care of employees get better results.  There is a line, but more care given to employees yields benefits for everyone.

As for our workplace satisfaction bearing on our health, that's a no-brainer.  Work is a major component of our lives, and our satisfaction and happiness are important.  I can vouch for it on a personal level.  I hadn't been happy with my career for a couple of years and my stress was incredible.  Now that I have found a great job that works for me on all levels, my blood pressure, diabetes and overall well-being have improved dramatically.

Do what you love.  You'll be happier and healthier if you do.

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