Thursday, August 2, 2012

Last Call

How awful is the Ryan-Romney budget and tax plan?  So bad for the middle class in fact that nobody in the Republican party will tell the truth about it.  Ezra Klein goes straight for the heart here:

The reason Romney’s plan doesn’t work is very simple. The size of the tax cut he’s proposing for the rich is larger than all of the tax expenditures that go to the rich put together. As such, it is mathematically impossible for him to keep his promise to make sure the top one percent keeps paying the same or more.

In other words, Mitt Romney is lying to you, and he thinks you're a moron.

This is going to be a huge problem for the Romney campaign. The Romney team has tried to paper over the fact that its policy promises don’t add up by withholding the crucial details that independent analysts need to do the math. But now independent analysts are filling in those details for them (the Tax Policy Center’s look at Romney’s tax plan should be read in tandem with the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities effort to flesh out his spending promises). And, ultimately, that’s worse, as actors with more credibility than the Romney campaign are showing what the Romney campaign was trying to hide.

Sound familiar?  Leaving out the details and leaving to others the work of backfilling the specifics is pretty much the entire Romney campaign so far.  We don't know the details about Romney's own taxes.  What makes you think his plan to fix your taxes is anything other than complete nonsense designed to turn the US into the most imbalanced economy on earth?

Why do you think he's spewing outright falsehoods like this now?

“I worked in a state. I found a way to work across the aisle, by the way. And when I look — we’ve got to have someone that goes to Washington that buries the hatchet and says you know what, there are good Democrats, there are good Republicans that care about America, let’s work together to get the American people working, get some growth again. This is important. Getting America working, this isn’t a statistic we’re talking about.  23 million Americans out work or underemployed. 23 million. It’s a tragedy. It’s a moral failing for a country as successful as successful and wealthy as ours to have had policies that kept people from going to work. I want to get people back to work that want to work. Put them in good jobs with more take home pay.”

And yet his own party has blocked every single effort to improve job creation.  What, given the behavior of the last 4 years, makes anyone think the Tea Party assholes in the GOP will allow Mitt Romney to work with the Democrats at all?

Like I said, he's lying and he thinks you're a moron.

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