Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Comparing Romney To Obama

A very intelligently written article by William Saletan compares Obama to Romney when it comes to their vision for the people, and of the people.

Mitt Romney has been caught on camera telling his donors that nearly 50 percent of Americans are dependent on government, that we’ll never take responsibility for our lives, and that it isn’t his job to worry about us.
It’s hard to salvage a presidential candidacy after saying something like that. But Romney’s supporters are doing their best. His gaffe, theyargue, is no worse than what Barack Obama oncetold his donors about voters who defend guns and religion.
So let’s compare the two episodes. Let’s see what they tell us about Romney and Obama.
He then breaks down one isolated incident regarding Obama's remarks about skepticism and conservatives. He does the same thing for the recent Romney gaffe, taking this one isolated incident and comparing what it tells us about the candidates and how they view us.

I wish he would do it over their careers, but Obama's occasional slip or slight can't hold up to Romney's offensive verbal diarrhea.  I guess this will have to do.
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