Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Romney's Death Rattle

How can Romney lead the country when he views half of us with utter contempt?

How dare he speak for us, telling others what we think and feel, when he does now know us?

Is America stupid enough to put this man at the helm, despite his many failings and shady characteristics?

If I could say one thing to Romney, it would be: Look here, jackass.  Look at these children with dirty feet because they have no shoes, and only two pairs of socks to their name.  Skinny not because they are fit, but because they don't have enough to eat.  Homeless despite mental illness and physical ailments.  They sure don't look lazy, well-fed and entitled to me.  They look lost, like they need a leader to help them out of the pit they are currently in. Look at the mother, standing barefoot in rubble in a garage she converted to a home.  Look at their refrigerator, empty except for a few condiments, with two weeks left to go before their food stamps arrive.  Imagine having a single tortilla with peanut butter, or going without because rations are low and the kids must eat.  A donated laptop gives the kids a chance to battle computer illiteracy, yet they are judged by Romney as failures who feel we should give them everything.  I guess she has plenty of time to feel entitled while washing her kid's clothes in the kitchen sink.

Death awaits many if Romney has his way.  That may sound melodramatic, but it's true.  Millions of people are going under, unable to afford health care or housing, even simple meals.  Romney's willing to cut them all off so "his" guys can enjoy the wealth they were entitled to by their own reasoning.  They also feel entitled to steal from the mouths of hungry babes so they can have more money than they could ever spend.  Without help, millions will starve or die for want of health care.

Romney does know business.  Especially when you define business as profit gained from the labor of poorly paid workers who never have enough so that a handful can enjoy bonuses.  That is not who I want leading this country.  How could anyone?

Either Romney loses, or we are in serious trouble.  It's just that simple.

Look at Ann Romney's words one more time:

“Well, I think the thing that I want to communicate to people, and that it's so important that people understand, is that Mitt and I do recognize that we have not had a financial struggle in our lives. But I want people to believe in their hearts that we know what it is like to struggle. And our struggles have not been financial, but they've been with health and with difficulties in different things in life,” she said, in an interview aired Sunday.
Have a tortilla and STFU, you ignorant wench.  I have gone from annoyed to afraid, from shocked to appalled. I've settled on flat out pissed off, and nothing is going to stop me from doing my part to drag these entitled pieces of crap off the board.

Cross-posted at Angry Black Lady's blog.
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