Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Springfield Paper Returns To The People

As many of you know, I am a harsh critic of the News-Leader.  I feel they went from a local paper to an AP repeater, merely copying and pasting their way through their duty to educate the people of Springfield.  They have been lazy about telling the stories that matter, ones that don't make it to the AP desk.

They are finally starting to turn that around.

In an exciting new series, they are highlighting the struggles of area families.  These families can be from anywhere, and in fact at least one of them is from elsewhere, they landed in Springfield because that's where their car ran out of gas.

It's a good reminder at a time when politicians are talking about the future of the country.  We have Obama standing for empowerment, education and responsibility, an we have Mitt Romney, who talks about business priorities and success built on the backs of the common class.

This is about the people who have the most at stake in the future, because theirs isn't secure.  It's the story of people who slip between the cracks, and have the most to lose.  Or as I see them, the people Obama cares for while Romney shrugs and pays attention to his laundry list of important things.

Spend some time with Springfield’s struggling families and you will meet:
• A family living in a garage.
• A mother who went back to school only to have the economy turn against her.
• The mother of three young children who landed in a homeless shelter after her marriage fell apart.
• A married couple who gave up life as over-the-road truckers to seek financial stability for their young children.
• A young couple who want more than “low things” for their daughter.

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