Thursday, March 13, 2014

Last Call For We Don't Need No Education

Seems Ohio Republican State Rep. Andrew Brenner has decided that public education needs to go in America, because it's socialism.

In the post, titled "Public education in America is socialism, what is the solution?," Brenner laid out his argument. He noted that the Tea Party, which "will attack Obama-care relentlessly as a socialist system," rarely brings up "the fact that our public education system is already a socialist system[…] and has been a socialist system since the founding of our country." He addressed teachers unions -- "an outgrowth of our socialistic education system" -- which he granted originally improved things "temporarily" before they ultimately "became bureaucratic and they started to take the place of school boards and school management."

"I’m not blaming the teachers unions or the local school boards who are bound to the contracts, because if they don’t they will end up with strikes and an arbitrator will rule against them," Brenner wrote. "These issues all stemmed from the fact that we have a socialist education system in the first place."

Brenner's solution: more privatization.

"In a free market system parents and students are free to go where the product and results are better," he wrote. "Common core and standardized tests under such a system will not be necessary, because the schools that fail will go out of business. Government will not be there to prop them up with more tax dollars and increased regulations. Successful schools will thrive. The free-market system works for cars, furniture, housing, restaurants, and to a lesser degree higher education, so why can’t it work for our primary education system?"

It can, if you've decided that the goal of primary education is "Only those with money get educated."   Everyone else?  Well, I guess you don't need to be educated to greet people at Wallyworld or flip burgers at Mickey D's.  After all, if the parents really cared, they'd either work those extra jobs in order to afford to send their kids to school, or they'd stay home and teach the kids themselves, right?

I bet this guy hates the Interstate Highway System.

Oh, did I mention Brenner is the number two Republican on the Ohio House Education Committee?

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