Friday, June 19, 2009

Change We Can Pay Lip Service To

AJ Strata, June 3rd:
Until the right focuses and gets serious, until they can recognize our President’s good decisions without question or caveat, they have no standing with America. No credibility. They need to get themselves out of the fevered swamps if they want to make a difference.
Good advice. Try heeding it. AJ Strata, June 19:
The liberal economic experiment using the government to stimulate job creation is an utter and complete failure. Obama and the Dems may have inherited a problem, but their answers to the problem were all wrong. And that realization will come to hit the American public as this unemployment debacle runs through out the summer of 2009. It is not a matter of ‘if’, only ‘when’.
Got that? Four months since the stimulus bill was signed into law, Obama hasn't fixed the economy yet, and apparently 5 months into office is enough to determine that Obama has already failed. Never mind that most of the stimulus funds will go into effect in fiscal's too late, Obama should resign. WORST PRESIDENT EVER!

AJ's not suffering from Obama Derangement Syndrome, however. Nope.

Not him.
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