I've been skimming some comment sections around the wingnutosphere on the health care debate and I'm noticing a lot of talk about how illegal aliens are causing the health care crisis and the best way to fix it is to deport them all. Is this just some kind of conventional wisdom or is it a talk radio campaign?The two biggest threats in the Wingnut lizard brain to the GOP are "Obama passes Obamacare" and "Obama passes shamnesty for illegals." This will get Obama and the Democrats millions of votes in the future, especially since the GOP is busy demonizing Hispanic-Americans and anyone who ever got sick, leading to a permanent Democratic majority.
They wake in a cold sweat at 2:35 AM over this.
Anything that demonizes Obamacare and immigrants at the same time? They will cling to that like poop to a wool blanket.
See GOP Plan, The.