Friday, June 19, 2009

Let's See Your Cards, Kim

The U.S. is preparing to call North Korea's hand in a major way.
The U.S. military is planning to intercept a flagged North Korean ship suspected of proliferating weapons material in violation of a U.N. Security Council resolution passed last Friday, FOX News has learned.

The USS John McCain, a navy destroyer, will intercept the ship Kang Nam as soon as it leaves the vicinity off the coast of China, according to a senior U.S. defense official. The order to inderdict has not been given yet, but the ship is getting into position.

The ship left a port in North Korea Wednesday and appears to be heading toward Singapore, according to a senior U.S. military source. The vessel, which the military has been tracking since its departure, could be carrying weaponry, missile parts or nuclear materials, a violation of U.N. Resolution 1874, which put sanctions in place against Pyongyang.

The irony of a naval destroyer named the U.S.S. John McCain possibly restarting the Korean War has a piquant, bittersweet flavor with a woody overtone. Still, I guess we're going to see what North Korea does this weekend in response. We've battened down the hatches in Hawaii in anticipation, in fact of Iran wasn't falling apart right now, this would be all over the news.

Kim Jong-Il has threatened all kinds of badness and flying monkeys and ninjas on dinosaurs if the international community tries to enforce this whole "seizing ships with suspected nuclear material aboard" thing.

We'll see what happens.

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