Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Moustache Demands Blood, Again

Hey look, yet another John Bolton op-ed piece in the Wall Street Journal advocating Israel should bomb the crap out of Iran, just like seven weeks ago. (Four weeks ago he did the same thing too, just in the WaPo.) Mike Gerson at least gets the courtesy of a proper rebuttal. Bolton gets only my scorn and the back of my hand if he's just going to be this lazy.

Since John Boy's not even hiding the fact he's recycling the "Iran's weak now! Israel must attack! DO IT NOW!" crap, I choose to respond with what Andy Serwer said last time he tried it:
Of course, "theologically committed" could also describe Bolton, who has expressed support for bombing Iran for years now, so it's hard to take seriously his proposal that now is actually the opportune moment to bomb Iran. At the very least, we've come to see an addition to the GOP policy agenda, which for a while was simply "cut taxes." Now we have:

1. Cut Taxes

2. Bomb Iran

Can't wait for the white paper.

Or in other words, SEND IN GIANT DR. MANHATTAN!

Only Giant Dr. Manhattan can save us Israel now.

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