Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Rick Perlstein Called It Yesterday

Perlstein, yesterday:
The Republican old bulls will say they're honoring EMK's memory by voting against cloture for what they'll say is a failed bill that he would never have happened had he been alive and kicking. And any bill that comes out of committee they'll say was a failed bill that never would have happened had he been alive and kicking. That's how they roll.
El Rushbo, today:
Limbaugh says he is "uncomfortable" talking about Kennedy's politics, calls health care bill "insult to his memory"
For the next several weeks we will be reminded that only Republicans are allowed to define what liberal Democratic Senator Ted Kennedy would have wanted in his health care bill. Naturally, the Republicans will say the bill's not good enough, no matter what the bill is.

Perlstein called it to laser accuracy. As goes El Rushbo, goes the GOP.

Here endeth the lesson.

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