Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Unimpeachable Character, Part 2

Jon Chait:

Hear me now and believe me later: If Republicans win and maintain control of the House of Representatives, they are going to impeach President Obama. They won’t do it right away. And they won’t succeed in removing Obama. (You need 67 Senate votes.) But if Obama wins a second term, the House will vote to impeach him before he leaves office.

I would argue that if they win control of both the House and Senate now, this will happen in 2011.  The Tea Party will absolutely demand it, and they are going to have a real hard time saying "we have to put up with another two years of Obama at let voters decide".

The more seats the GOP wins in the House and Senate, the more likely impeachment in the President's first term will be.  However, Chait is correct:  if Obama wins re-election in 2012 and the GOP maintains control of the House, impeachment is a 99.999% probability.

1 comment:

StarStorm said...

Too bad the article is hiding behind a paywall.

But still, yeah, I can very much see impeachment coming into play if the repubs get control. Hell, it'll come even if it's close. They just want to bog down the system, and blow enough smoke that people think there is a fire.

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