Monday, August 20, 2012

LeBeouf Whines About Work

26-year-old Shia spoke with The Hollywood Reporter recently, swearing off studio flicks for the rest of his life ... in favor of a career in indie films -- saying, "I'm done ... There's no room for being a visionary in the studio system. It literally cannot exist."

Shia said, "You give Terrence Malick a movie like 'Transformers', and he's f**ked. There's no way for him to exist in that world."

Shia then gushed about the people behind his new movie "Lawless" -- saying, "These dudes are a miracle ... They give you the money, and they trust you -- [unlike the studios, which] give you the money, then get on a plane and come to the set and stick a finger up your ass and chase you around for five months."

You know, if they paid me as much as they paid him... I could put up with some aggravation.  Filming movies is hard work, but for those who haven't noticed (you listening, LeBeouf?) just about everyone has complications at work.  We just don't get paid millions for our inconvenience.

Good luck with indie films, kid.  We could use a break from you anyway.
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