A Fargo, N.D., radio caller seems to be a little confused about deer crossings.And, you know, whether deer can read highway signs.The woman identified only as Donna told radio station Y94 The Morning Playhouse she had been involved in three car accidents in the last few years, all involving deer just after she passed a deer crossing sign.“My frustration is that Minnesota and North Dakota departments of transportation would allow these deer crossings to be in such high-traffic areas,” she told the radio hosts. ”I mean I’ve even seen them on the interstate. Why are we encouraging deer to cross the interstate? I don’t get it.”She goes on to say that she understands deer need to cross the road sometimes, but called encouraging them to cross on highways “so irresponsible.” She said she’d written letters to newspapers and TV stations, but no one seemed to want to spread the word on her issue.As she talks, the radio host is heard saying, “um…”Donna then comes to the conclusion that moving deer crossings to school crossings would be safer.
I thought this was a joke when I read it the first four times. I couldn't believe someone was so stupid and they were using it to spread awareness for deer crossings because it's that time of year.
Well, played, Team Stupid. Send in a rookie to distract us, way to go.