Saturday, September 28, 2013

Dear America

I really hate President Obama to the point of obsession, so despite this week's excellent diplomatic news involving Syria, Iran, Israel and the Palestinians, I'm going to find some unnamed diplomats from allied countries and have them complain about why Obama hasn't bombed the crap out of Syria, Iran, and the Palestinians yet.  It's so depressing, I may not finish my fourth Cosmo of the day.

--Peggy Noonan, Wall Street Journal

Bonus Verbatim Stupidity:

"In the past we have seen some America overreach," said the prime minister of a Western democracy, in a conversation. "Now I think we are seeing America underreach." He was referring not only to foreign policy but to economic policies, to the limits America has imposed on itself. He missed its old economic dynamism, its crazy, pioneering spirit toward wealth creation—the old belief that every American could invent something, get it to market, make a bundle, rise.

The world's Brahmans are disappointed.  They've never liked Obama as President.  I can't possibly imagine what makes his different from the other 43.

We're underreaching you know when we draw down from decade-long wars and refuse to start new ones.   We need new shiny wars, dammit.

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