Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Vote Like Your Country Depends On It, Con't

Leaving county school and election boards and other local offices to the MAGA CHUDs mean you don't get these offices, or the services they provide, back. The goal is to drive everyone with a brain cell out of local civil service until they control everything, and then shut all of the local services -- schools, libraries, and elections -- down for good. A perfect example is Buckingham County, Virginia:
Lindsey Taylor loved running elections here.

The previous registrar had spent nearly three decades in the job, and Taylor, 37, hoped to do the same when she was hired in 2019. She loved her staff and the volunteer poll workers, and she took pride in the detail-oriented work. She implemented dozens of new laws in 2020, ran elections through the pandemic and impressed many in the rural, conservative, tight-knit community of Buckingham County.

But then the voter fraud claims started.

In January, the GOP assumed control of the Buckingham County Electoral Board that oversees her office, and local Republicans began advancing baseless voter fraud claims that baffled her. The electoral board made it clear it wanted her out of the job.

“There were people saying that they had heard all these rumors — that the attorney general was going to indict me,” Taylor said, days after leaving the office for the last time. “Mentally, I just — I couldn’t take it anymore.”

Three weeks ago, frustrated and heartbroken, Taylor, along with two part-time staffers, quit. Their resignations followed a deputy registrar who left in February, citing the same conflict.

The four departures left residents without a functioning registrar’s office; there was no way to register to vote or certify candidate paperwork, at least temporarily.

A state elections worker arrived in town a week later to try to pick up the pieces, looking through drawers and opening the mail, as the two remaining members of the electoral board — both Republicans, because the one Democrat had also recently quit — began the difficult process of restaffing a completely barren department.

“It’s just sad that the big lie has come to Buckingham,” said Margaret Thomas, who worked as the general registrar in Buckingham County for more than 28 years before retiring. “And before it was never here.”

Years after former President Donald Trump began pushing his lies about stolen elections, communities like Buckingham County are grappling with the aftershocks: What happens when election denialism drives out the people needed to keep local democracy running?

A lot of election officials I’ve talked to are asking themselves: Why am I doing this? Why am I getting paid like a civil servant to be constantly harassed?” said David Becker, executive director of the nonpartisan Center for Election Innovation and Research that helps support election officials. “Whether it’s the intent or not, the effect is to drive a lot of these public servants — upon who we’ve relied for decades in some cases — out of the field, which will leave elections more vulnerable than they’ve been before.

Which is, of course, the exact point of the exercise.

Republicans don't want any of these to exist outside of their total control of them.

1 comment:

Horace Boothroyd III said...

As it happens the forces you describe are beavering away, right here and right now in South Vermont. The angry mobs have intimidated most of the public officials in most of the towns, revealing our present crop of elected rulers to be spineless jellyfish more adept at punting on painful disagreements than at pointing out the obvious facts.

The really weird thing has been the ease and rapidity of the modest coup. No guns, no Reichstag fire; we did have a small occupation of a northern town hall, but at the time that seemed more pathetic than anything else.

As a counter for-instance, the crackpots have ginned up a weirdo conspiracy theory about the board of health and the mayor in cahoots with Big Cell Phone to murder hundreds of thousands of Americans and conceal the victims with such cunning that it took a committee of bored housewifes to sniff out the bodies. Now, when the crackpots yell JUMP! the mayor snivels DON'T HURT ME AGAIN! DON'T HURT ME!

And all of this nonsense with the open support of the county newspaper. The stupid is so intense, it makes me sick.

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