Friday, June 4, 2010

Applied Plummeting For Dummies

Dow off 324.  Euro under the buck twenty line.

Best article of the day:  Happy-Face Financial Media is now complaining we're halfway through the stimulus and is asking "Hey, what happens when that runs out?

Any questions?

Gosh, I remember saying we needed a significantly larger stimulus back, oh, 15 months ago...


Unknown said...

Isn't this proof the stimulus failed?

We're pushing $1.5 trillion in deficits right now. If we don't balance the budget through MASSIVE SPENDING CUTS then this country will cease to exist in a decade or so. There's nobody big enough to bail us out.

Want long term growth? A trillion dollar tax cut for all Americans and $3 trillion in spending cuts. Run a surplus until we reduce the debt down to a managable level. ELIMINATE as much government as possible and let the private sector take over. Create REAL jobs.

tsisageya said...

Dear Arcadian,

Why do you even speak?

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